
Local Government Committee, 1973-1974

The 1973-1974 Local Government Committee was chaired by Alvin Kahle (R) and Lester K. Fryer (Minority). Marvin E. Miller (R) served as Vice Chair. The Sub-Committee Chairman for Boroughs was Joseph W. Dorsey (R) and Philip S. Ruggiero (Minority). The Sub-Committee Chairman for Counties was Harry H. Gring (R) and A.J. Demedio (Minority). The Sub-Committee Chairman for Municipal Corporations was Eugene G. Saloom (R) and Donald M. Davis (Minority). The Sub-Committee Chairman for Townships was Marvin D. Weidner (R) and Andrew J. McGraw (Minority). Some of the topics covered in the 1973-1974 Local Government Committee were Firemen and Fire Departments, Municipal Authorities Board Members, Woodland Taxation, and Public Utility Law.
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